Tuesday, September 9, 2014

My Pet Peeves

My Pet Peeves

1. When people try and have conversations with me while I'm doing something else: Sometimes I will be watching TV or reading a book or doing my homework or really anything that takes up my attention, and when people decide that that would be a great moment to strike up conversation with me, it really bothers me, because I am clearly focused on something else. And even after they have tried to talk to me, and i reply with a grunt of sorts because I am really not focused on what they are saying, they get annoyed. Which just makes it double annoying for me.

2. When people respond to a question with, "sure.": When i ask someone a yes or no question, for example if they want to do something, and they say "sure," it really bothers me because it was a yes or no question, so you reply with yes, or no. When they reply with something other than yes or no, like sure, for example, I can tell you don't really want to but you just did not feel like expressing that.

3. When people text while we're hanging out: This would mostly apply to my older sister, but it is extremely frustrating when I am with her and she literally cannot physically put down her phone. Now, this is annoying even when we are not really doing much, but especially so when I am trying to talk to her, the reason being I have to repeat myself several times for what I said to actually register into her brain. 

4. When people sneeze loudly and unexpectedly: So I will just be sitting there, doing my thing, and suddenly, out of nowhere, a gargantuan noise erupts from someones face, shattering my unsuspecting ears and making me jump six feet. I really hate that.

5. When teachers correct you from "can" to "may": I hate it when i ask a teacher if i can go to the bathroom and they're like, "Uh, I don't know, can you?" And I'm just like ready to kick something and in my head I'm saying, "I don't know, can I? will you let me physically walk to the restroom?" But then I have to suck it up. So that is super annoying.


  1. I understand your "can" and "may" pet peeve, it's super annoying.

  2. Laudan I really liked your pet peeves! #5 always annoys me too!

  3. Number one!!! I can completely relate

  4. Hi Laudan! I agree with numbers 1 and 3. I hate when i can't have a conversation with someone because they are too focused on their phone.
